PESTCO as a leading pest control company
PESTCO is a country’s leading organization with long-term experience and practical skills offering a full range of services to ensure the sanitary condition of the various objects: in the open areas, inside the residential, domestic or industrial buildings, vehicles, etc. Our main aim is to exterminate disease pathogens and its vectors (rodents, insects, arthropods and other pathogenic organisms) on time by carrying out disinfection, disinsectization, deratization and fumigation measures.
PESTCO products:
Highly-efficient disinfection, sterilization, and quick extermination products;
A vast range of hand and skin sanitizers, domestic and industrial concentrates, bio-preparation for cleaning cesspits, pest control products;
Plant fertilizers, growth stimulants as well as plant protection products;
Our service offers a vast array of products which also include user-friendly pest control, ozone, water purification equipment, and many others.

PESTCO services:
Disinsectization. Professional spray equipment along with the new-generation preparations allows us to carry out both preventive and focal pest extermination even in the hard-to-reach places. Those measures are aimed at the total extermination of the infectious and transmissive disease pathogens (ticks, cockroaches, spiders, ants and other types of insects) and producing unfavorable conditions for the future pests outbreaks.
Deratization. Deratization is ta set of specific measures aimed at the extermination of the rodents (mice, rats, myagrums, moles), reduction of their number and negative impact on the human welfare as well as the environment. We are dealing with the efficient pest control tools at the various objects regardless of the rodents’ number living there.
Disinfection is part of the anti-epidemic measures allowing to decrease the morbidity rate among the people. They are directed at pathogenic or potentially pathogenic organisms elimination through chemical, physical and biological treatment. Those measures deal with personal hygiene items, clothing, air, water, soil, sewage, discharge and vomit of the sick person. Up-to-date products combined with the innovative methods make it possible to affect viruses, funguses and different microorganisms.
Fumigation is a set of measures used in both the agricultural and manufacturing industries with the aim to exterminate plant pathogens and pests. Fumigation control measure ensures the disinfection of the elevators, grain storage containers, the seeds of different crops and by-products of their processing, in addition to grits, dried fruits, tobacco leaves, etc. Our company holds official certification which allows performing the fumigation operation.
The main aim of disinfection, disinsectization, deratization, and fumigation is to prevent the outbreak of infectious disease epidemics, to avid spreading and therefore improve the epidemical situation of the country.

PESTCO offers its service to:
Manufacturing enterprises dealing with food and livestock products;
Health-care institutions, schools and other educational, medical and municipal establishments;
Public catering facilities dealing with food distribution;
Housing-and-utility facilities, private houses and apartment buildings;
Warehouses, elevators and storage facilities for grain and other kinds of crops.
All the operations such as disinfection, disinsectization, deratization as well as fumigation are performed in accordance with safety requirements.